Thermit Australia Pty Ltd.
Booth number: 21
About us
Over the many years in operation, Thermit Australia Pty Ltd has learned what is required for the successful long-term operation of high quality railway tracks.
With a strong focus on product development and continuous improvement Thermit Australia Pty Ltd and the Goldschmidt Group are a reliable partner to bring our customers a competitive edge in the railway market.
A long tradition, future-oriented, dedicated and always close to you – with us you are moving on safe tracks.
Since the 1990’s Thermit Australia increased its market presence by expanding into South East Asia. In these markets Thermit Australia now has a well-established presence and is known for its supply of quality German and Australian produced railway products.
Thermit Australian products are qualified against well-known Australian, European and American standards.
An impressive resume including supply to major contracts in ten countries in the region demonstrate that the Thermit Australia product is well regarded.
170 Somersby Falls Rd.
Somersby NSW 2250
Phone: +61 243 404988
Contact person:
Troy Baikie
Group Sales Manager - SEA
Phone: +61 404 815942
Products & Services
Whether continuously welded tracks, rail services, measurement, tools and machines or equipment; we know exactly what is required for the successful long-term operation of high quality tracks.
The constant development and optimization of our products and services is of the highest importance to us. This is the only way we can provide our customers with superior rail safety, enable higher travel comfort and minimize maintenance costs.
Our high quality range of products and services is complemented by extensive technical service. This is made possible by qualified personnel who maintain contact with customers, provide on-site service and through their many years of experience ensure that customers receive expert assistance and are completely satisfied.
We also offer customized seminars, training sessions and professional consultation for our products and services.
Get the best for your rails with everything supplied from a single source and state of the art technology.